Unparalleled Booth Attractions That You’ll Want to Use

Trade Show Season is Upon Us!

Whether you have a 10×10 booth or 20×40, your square footage is valuable.  How you use that space is a challenge.  Research has shown that a table holding your company brochures will not attract visitors to your booth.  Design your booth to optimize space and generate a multitude of foot traffic to your corner of the expo.  Step it up with interaction that will create a positive lasting impression of you and your company. How do you do that? We’re here to help!

Draw in a crowd with popular interactive games in your trade show booth! Create a competition or contest to build an enormous flow of foot traffic to your exhibit. Spotlight your brand by customizing the games with your logo or announcing a new marketing message. Want to have a crowd in your booth? Call us!

Today’s world is a busy one. Give people a chance to slow down and have some fun!  Whether you have a VIP area or a section of your expo booth, allow visitors to have time to play so you can interact with them too.  You’ll notice that convention organizers book interactive games for visitors to network and have fun too.  Learn how we have help clients build programs for their shows.

Creating that valuable extra time to get to know each other enables you to close that deal or set up a more in-depth product or service demo.  Would handing out your business card to passing visitors be more effective in creating a lasting impression? What a better way to create a lasting favorable impression while interacting during game play!